Our leaders and governing body work in the best interest of our membershipOrange Benefit Fund’s Board Of Directors
As Orange Benefit Funds governing body, the Board of Directors oversees all matters involving Orange Benefit Fund and focuses on serving the interests of our members, now and into the future.
- Steven Willard – Chair
- Roy Dawe – Vice-Chair
- Arthur Duncan – Chair Audit and Finance Committee
- Gerald Budden
- Don Wilson
- Paul Tyers FCPA, FCA, CFP, CIM
- Michael Strain CPA, CA
- Trevor Parry
Board Responsibility
Orange Benefit Fund’s Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization. The Board performs an overall directing and monitoring role, while the role of operational leadership is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer and supporting management. The Board’s responsibilities are to:
- Design the Board structure and processes.
- Govern the mission and and strategic planning process.
- Delegate management authority and responsibility to the CEO.
- Monitor compliance and measure results.
The Board is accountable to the Members of The Grand Orange Lodge of British America for fulfilling the expectations of the responsibility of governance. The election of Directors to the Board is the primary means of accountability.
Board Committees
The Board has established two standing committees (each with a clear purpose and terms of reference) to assist it in the responsible discharge of its duties.
Audit and Finance Committee
- Monitor the annual and quarterly statements, returns, capital adequacy and any other public financial reports or disclosures of Orange Benefit Fund.
- Monitor the activities of Orange Benefit Fund including investment activities which may have impact on its financial well‑being.
- Monitor financial reporting internal control procedures.
- Monitor the work of the external auditor of Orange Benefit Fund.
Governance Committee
- Develop the approach of Orange Benefit Fund to matters of corporate governance policy and make recommendations to the Board with respect to such matters.
- Monitor the Board on the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and the Committees of the Board.
- Consider the mandates of the Committees of the Board, selection and rotation of Committee members and chairpersons, and make related recommendations to the Board.
- Monitor the Director orientation and governance education program of the Board.
- Consider the appropriate compensation to be paid to members of the Board and make related recommendations.
Board Evaluation
The Board conducts a self‑evaluation each year with the objective of improving its own work. Its purpose is to allow Board members to better understand their own roles and responsibilities and how they can fulfill their obligations effectively. The process emphasizes development of the Board’s team building skills, provision for a structure for problem solving and increased accountability within the organization.
Michael Strain, CPA, CA
Chief Executive Officer & Corporate Secretary
Tara Sadler, CPA, CA, CPA (Illinois)
Chief Financial Officer
Darryl Wood
Director Sales and Marketing
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